Becoming Safely Embodied

Ezine Sign-up

I just wanted to say thank you for the time and information you gave on your teleseminar last week. I found the section on Metta meditation really helpful, and found myself after the call, feeling extremely relaxed and calm, which doesn’t happen very often. As a survivor going through the process of trying to build and believe in my inner strengths, I find that the small pockets of hope (like which I felt after your call) extremely helpful in enabling me to believe that healing is possible.

Thank you again

A, England
Facilitating the Becoming Safely Embodied groups has been a very moving experience for me as a therapist. It is very powerful to be present with a group of women and share part of their journey of healing. As one group member commented, “I couldn’t believe that I was sitting with a group of women who understood what it was like to have trouble living with things from the past.” The structure of the group allows the members to experience a sense of safety that they have often not been able to experience in group settings in the past. The group provides a rich variety of experiences—practice with the skills, group sharing, and individual time and material to work on at home. Each member is able to connect to what is the most meaningful for her. Group members have reported that "even after the group was over, I continued to learn from the skills we practiced."

— Amy Zajakowski Uhll
Therapist, Cathedral Counseling, Chicago, IL


Gratitude Practice

Experience gratitude with us and we'll explore it together. To find out more about the Gratitude Practice, click here for details.

Monthly meditation group in Boston.

We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 7 pm. Contact Deirdre if you are interested.